Familiar friends take you along an unexpected path...
Featuring former members of the celebrated group Steve Blackwell and Friends, Southwest Florida’s very own Still Friends performs original acoustic music with a unique and memorable delivery. Combining strong songwriting with elements of folk, rock, bluegrass, jazz, and soul music, Still Friends is a favorite of audiences throughout Florida. If you love good music, be sure to catch a Still Friends show near you soon!
Carrie Blackwell Hussey - vocals, percussion..
Tiffiny Coffey - vocals, guitar
Japhy Blackwell - saxophones, vocals
Andy Leach- mandolin, lead guitar
Evan Walsh- bass
Influences include (but are not limited to!) P - Funk, Steely Dan, Ryan Adams, Radiohead, The Wood Brothers, Scott Jacobs, Frank Desguin, Wampus, Lawton Chiles, Stetson Kennedy, Bone Mizell, Totch Brown, Townes Van Zandt, Buddy Miller, Indigo Girls, Steve Earle, Donna the Buffalo
"Deep inside we know that an important part of our job is to help God bless other people by blessing them ourselves. It's just a matter of reaching out with the deepest part of ourselves." - Steve Blackwell ..